Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, many sectors have been hard hit, numerous clampdowns on certain economic and social activities have been set in place by government, some of which are currently still on operation. Perhaps, the most notable bit of restrictions enforced during the pandemic came with the restriction of large gatherings of people and the introduction of social distancing. This regulation on the coming together of people, has without a doubt, stretched into varying spheres of life ranging from sports, to music concerts/festivals, seeing movies and literally almost every other activity that harbors a chance for humans to come into contact; and for some, it meant they could no longer live.
However, the whole logic around trade shows makes it subject to the same laws of restriction, as all trade show displays Orlando were completely halted during the pandemic. We must however state that all these are done by the government and health agencies in a fervent attempt to curb the spread of the pandemic.
Recently, with the dying wave of the virus, it appears talk about beginning to hold trade fairs again have began to resurface — we have only come to this conclusion as a result of the fact that a larger chunk of said restrictions have been nullified. In this article, the many ways in which the organization of trade show exhibits were influenced will be discussed and we begin thus:
Emergence of virtual trade shows: Possibility of changing trade shows to a hybrid type event
Quite a large amount of activities were transferred to a virtual environment during the pandemic to avoid the inability to convene in person. It is reasonable to state that the outcomes for various groups were mixed. However, delivering a hybrid event, i.e., an in-person meeting with online components, will gain popularity in the next year. Even with a vaccination, many people are hesitant to return to “regular” life and travel.
Some convention venues are adding broadcasting facilities to help make this a reality. Because these are cutting-edge facilities, remote guests will have an experience that rivals that of in-person visitors.
Increased number of attendees
There are some distinct advantages to remotely planning to host these trade shows: cost savings on travel and exhibiting, the ability to attract so much more attendees, which could birth an increased amount of qualified and beneficial leads, as well as exposure. One can argue the prospect of the availability of various forms of media as being one of the most potent benefits this has got to offer. All of these factors may improve the sales experience.
Lower chances of technological breakdowns translate to seamless experience
Attendees at in-person trade exhibitions oftenshow a greater tendency of providing more thrilling experiences to those who attend. They also have a much lower chance of technological failure. One cannot dispute the advantages of attending a trade fair in person with this, and it is important that we note that every consumer does not perceive the situation the same way.